Sharia'a Supervisory Board

Our Sharia'a Supervisory Board

BLME aims to uphold Sharia’a principles throughout all its activities and we are grateful to have a Sharia’a Supervisory Board to guide and advise us.

The BLME Sharia’a Supervisory Board is an independent group of learned Islamic scholars that specialise in Fiqh-Al-Muamalat; a branch of Islamic jurisprudence that covers business activities, as well as finance.

The role of the Sharia’a Supervisory Board is to:

  • Oversee activities to ensure BLME is run in a Sharia’a compliant manner.
  • Guide BLME on matters of Sharia’a compliance and provide advice.
  • Assist in the structuring of new products and services, as well as Sharia’a approvals.
  • Conduct an annual review of BLME’s operations, agreements and transactions, as well as the Annual Report and Accounts in order to publish a certificate of Sharia’a compliance for the Bank. 
  • Publish an annual Zakat Statement informing shareholders how much zakat is payable on their shareholding.


The BLME Sharia’a Supervisory Board provides a governance role in addition to the standard regulation that applies to all UK-based financial institutions.

Our Sharia’a Supervisory Board includes:

  • Sheikh Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Qassar (Chairman)
  • Sheikh Dr. Esam Khalaf Al-Enezi
  • Sheikh Dr. Mohammad Al-Barrak